Hey There, It is Monday!

on 12/21/14 9:22 pm - Bradenton, FL

I think I might go home today. I'll miss my Vinnie,but my bed is calling me!!!! 

Talk on I'm going to catch a nap, Vinnie was coughing most of the night!

I was up at 5am!



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on 12/21/14 11:56 pm - Cibolo, TX

Good morning Carla!

Yes, home does call you, doesn't it?  If you travel today, be careful driving.  One of these days, Vinnie will be old enough to come visit YOU!  Won't that be grand?  I am SO JEALOUS that Vinnie can already say "Ammie"!  Budder hasn't started calling me by name yet, although I swear he's trying.  LOL!

I managed to get a little done around here yesterday, although no where near as much as I should have.  My lower back was so stiff yesterday I could barely straighten up.  I think I sat too long in the same position when I was stitching on Benny's stocking on Saturday.  Anyway, I did manage to finish up all of MY stockings yesterday.  I needed to put the names on several of them and I like to add lots of sparkly little doodads to the store bought ones.  I glued on sequins and jewels and jingle bells and letters--it was fun.  

Today I have to finish wrapping presents.  And I need to make some more pecan goodies.

Well, the grapevine has it that my mom has started telling people that she is moving to Seguin next year, so I guess she really means it.  Which means I'd better get busy figuring out some mother-in-law quarters for her.  I have scheduled us a factory tour of a local plant that manufactures park homes and cabins and modular houses.  Not that I think we can afford to buy one brand new off the lot.  I wish we could but those things run around $40K.  But we need to go look at new ones to have a basis for comparison, you know?  Butch seems to think we would do better to build something ourselves (not him doing the actual hammering, but contract it ourselves with a local sub-contractor), and he may be right about that, but that will be a long drawn out process.  I would rather just find something that's move-in ready, you know?  Less stress for everyone.

Another option I've been looking at are house movers.  I've found a couple in the area that move old houses that are on pier and beam foundations.  There's one in particular that I want to check on.  So we'll see what we can find.  I don't want to move my mom into a shack (LOL!), but I don't have a lot of extra cash lying around either since we had to give nearly the full asking price for our new place.

Well, Mike's parents arrived yesterday.  I got a couple of texts (on the sly) from Chris last night.  She says Mike's mom is very sweet, but that his dad talks too much!  LOL!  I can't wait to hear all the comments as this week goes by.  Missing my boys, but this is a special time for Mike and his parents.  I get to see the boys all the time.  They only have this one week to get to know them.  And we will get to see them ALL on Christmas day, right?  Right. (Oy vey!)

Well, I'd better close and get busy.  Can't believe Christmas is on Thursday!  So much to do, so little time.  Again.  Ho ho ho!

Love you all!



Connie D.
on 12/22/14 1:00 am

Good morning Carla and Vickie and those to follow.....

Carla...yes your Vinnie will miss you!! Sorry she is sick with a nasty cough. I hope she feels better soon!!!

Vickie...I am glad you got some things done yesterday. The stocking are really nice I am sure!!

Sorry your back is hurting....hope you feel better soon. Back pain effects so many things we do. Sit at a table and wrap the gifts....it is easier on your back. I always prefer to wrap on the floor...just quirky old me!! 

So....your mom has finally come around to moving. I think it will be good for her. I hope between her and Butch you do not go crazy!! I hope you find the right kind of living quarters for her. That is very sweet of you to do for her.

I can't wait for the holidays to be over and things can settle down for you a bit. You have had so much going on....I seriously don't know how you are hanging on!!! A vacation alone to a quiet place sounds wonderful doesn't it??

It sound like Christie likes Mike's mom....his dad....like most talk too much!!! LOL!!!

I know you are missing Benny and Budder. Soon you will have time together. Budder is just saving a very special name for you!!! I miss all the pics that Mike was always taking. They change so much in just a couple weeks!! It is wonderful of you to allow Mike's family time alone with them. You are just so kind that way!!! Where are they from??

Know that I always have you right here with me. I am always available to you!! I love you!!

Love always...HUGS....connie d 

Connie D.
on 12/22/14 1:11 am

I did it again....I skipped myself....not there is much to miss!!

I slept really good last night....I got about 9 hours of sleep.....very much needed. 

I need to make up my list of things to take to Carrie's Wednesday. I won't need much, just something festive to wear for Christmas with everyone!! I am excited to have Amanda back with us this Christmas....and Tyler too of course!! Also my Kyleigh and Mitch and my Sugar Boy, Lucas!! Greg will have his mother and his two son's, Jack and Vinnie there as well. They are about the same ages as the other kids. We have been together at Christmas before. It always goes well. Greg and his mother love their ****tails!! I usually have a glass of wine but I am sure I will pas on that. Too many screwy things going on with me right now.

Have a peaceful day today!! I know that isn't easy when there are so many last minute things to do. I will be thinking of you all!!

Prayers for our fantastic OFF Family and their families too.

Much love and bunches of HUGS.....connie d

Patricia R.
on 12/22/14 2:20 am - Perry, MI

Good Afternoon Carla and OFF Family,

I am beat.  I just blitzed my kitchen and living room, vacuuming, dusting, mopping, dishes, and the toilet and bathroom sink, in less than two hours.  The kids are coming over to work on a gingerbread tree and gingerbread men.  I'll post pics of our finished project on Facebook.  

Later, I'll wrap presents and crochet.  

Carla, I understand missing the Munchkins.  I hated when I lived in Pennsylvania.  One of the reasons Chris bought the iPad for Colleen was so they could watch the kids grow up long distance on Facetime.

Vickie, I have had to not see the Munchkins for weeks at a time when they are with Colleens' Dad.  I don't mind, though I do miss them.  I can't be selfish now that I live here.

Connie, I hope you're feeling better today.  

My friend, Ruth, is doing a wee bit better today.  She posted a pic on Facebook with her son, and a couple of her grandchildren.  She is trying to find joy where she is, as she always does.

Must scoot.



Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Connie D.
on 12/22/14 6:17 am

Hi Trish....you must have been flying around the house....that is a lot to get done in that amount of time!!

Have fun working on the gingerbread tree and gingerbread men. That sounds like so much fun!!!! 

I am glad Ruth is doing better. I will still send prayers for her.

I am having a really weird kind of day today...my thoughts and words are just not connecting. Not this again!!!!

I miss my grandchildren too. I miss Nic and Gracie because they are so far away. 

Have a great evening...love and hugs...connie d

Eileen Briesch
on 12/22/14 2:33 am - Evansville, IN

Hi Carla and my OFF family:

My upstairs neighbor decided it was a good idea to blare their stereo. High bass and all ... really irritating. Anyway ...

So last night's drama is behind us. Mom is settled in a nursing home. Seems she didn't break anything but because she hasn't been using her muscles, they have atrophied so much so she can't walk at all now. So what else is new? We've been telling her this for awhile. I guess my cranky sister PE teacher told my mom off yesterday ... "If you don't use it, you lose it." about her muscles. Well, that's Rosemary for you. This won't be the place she'll stay in ... we are looking at a place nearer to where my brother/SIL will buy a house, but for now, this will do. At least she'll get better care than from the caregivers, who couldn't bother to spot her while she was walking. I guess my brother just laid into the woman Saturday ... well, she deserved it. She wasn't putting the belt around mom and holding her as she is supposed to do. If mom was truly hurt, we could have a lawsuit against this place for damages. 

My brother is on his way to Texas to visit his son, DIL and two grandsons. I hope he gets some rest while he is down there. Poor guy, he's been put through the wringer the past couple of days. I know he's looking forward to seeing his grandsons ... he hasn't seen them for a year. 

As for me, nothing new. Back to work. My mind wasn't on it last night and I made a couple of mistakes that I usually would catch ... well, sorry, but I was thinking of other things. This is my Friday at least. Tomorrow I get a shot in the back. I need it; the back has been touchy.

Have a good day.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Connie D.
on 12/22/14 6:26 am

Eileen...I read your message on Facebook about your mom in the nursing home. I think it is a good place for her. She just wasn't being cared for properly. Now maybe they can get her legs and things stronger so she can walk again. If she will let them.

I hope your brother can get some much needed rest too! Being with grandchildren always makes things better!!!

I am happy today is your Friday!! You can sit around an relax tomorrow and do whatever you want to do!!! I hope the shot in your back works well for you! 

Love to you and many hugs too....connie d

on 12/22/14 5:41 am - Bradenton, FL

Because Vinnie was having a hard day, I decided to wait till tomorrow to start for home. It is to cold and drizzly to take her out to Jared's mom.

So Vinnie and I are home chillin.





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Connie D.
on 12/22/14 6:27 am

Carla...I am glad you decided to spend another day with Vinnie. She must love that!! Especially if she isn't feeling real well.

Hugs and love too.....connie d

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